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Jessica Kalsakau

Business management consulting

Jessica Kalsakau
36 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
  • A people-person who has developed high communication skills through hundreds of interviews in previous experience

  • A Big Four product who has more than 5 years of "challenging" experience, where job becomes your passion

  • A strategic and structured thinker who strives for success

  • An open-minded Pacific Islander who adventurously left her town of 45 thousand people (Port-Vila) to a town of 98 thousand people (Nouméa), then to a city of 24 million people (Shanghai) and to a city of 2.5 million people (Dubai)

  • An adventurous individual who loves travelling: From New Caledonia to Australia to China (Shanghai - Yangshuo - Guangzhou) to South Korea to Cambodia to Vietnam to UAE (Dubai-Abu Dhabi) to France to Belgium to India (Delhi-Agra-Mumbai) to Malaysia to Australia to Vanuatu and back to New Caledonia .... all in 13 months!

  • A determined positive thinker who would do "whatever it takes" to find solutions to problems and refuses to accept "Not possible"

MBA (Master of Business Administration)

Hult International Business School

September 2015 to August 2016
A global experience from Asia to Middle East, from Shanghai to Dubai studying key business topics:
  • Leadership: Leadership Skills, Social Entrepreneur, Global Leadership
  • Management : Management Consulting, Change Management, Global Strategy,
  • Finance: Corporate Finance, Business Valuation
  • Marketing: International Marketing, Strategic Brand Management

Hult International Business School is a global business school with campus locations in San Francisco, Boston, London, Dubai, Shanghai, Ashridge (UK) and New York City. Hult has a student body comprising over 130 nationalities and an alumni network of over 16,000 professionals working across the globe.

Bachelor of Commerce and Management

Ecole de Gestion et de Commerce du Pacific

February 2009 to October 2011
The Bachelor EGC (Écoles de Gestion et de Commerce) is a network of 26 undergraduate business schools scattered in France and in other French Territories. These schools are monitored under the supervision of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of each location. The trainings in commerce and management are built based on local business skills needs.

Diplôme: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2iKbUzGSBsqUVRmNURnem5aOEk/edit?usp=sharing

5 departments through the courses:
 Finance department
 Trade and commerce department
 Management and personal development department
 Firm environment department
 Language department

Baccalauréat Science et Technologie de Gestion

Lycée Français de Port Vila

February 2003 to December 2007
Spécialité : Comptabilité et finance en entreprise


Notions de langues acquises :
- le français
- l’anglais
- l’espagnol

Notions professionnelles acquises :
- notions économiques
- notions de l’entreprise,
- notions de droit

Matières enseignées :
- Français
- Histoire-géographie
- Philosophie
- Mathématiques
- Anglais
- Espagnol
- Economie-droit
- Management des organisations
- Comptabilité
- Sport

(Diplome: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B2iKbUzGSBsqNDJlYWFlOTktYTJjNi00ZjcwLThlM2YtMGUzMTJjMzM0NTFm&hl=en)

The Faculty of Breakthrough School of Ministry


February 2008 to October 2008
Leadership training and development

The Faculty of Breakthrough School of Ministry is a 9 months study of ministry leadership training and development which is under the Reformation Teaching Advance.

The Reformation Teaching Advance is one of the 9 sectors of Congress WBN, « a synergy of global initiative focused on effecting human, social and national transformation through the propagation of values-based development principles, patterns and approaches » www.congresswbn.org

And of course, those 9 months courses have greatly impacted my life. Not only BSM has enlightened my knowledge on biblical principles, but it has also built those principles in my own life. And as an American best-seller said, “Policies change but principles don’t”.
There are 5 imperatives that are supposed to be developed in each individual’s life through the 9 months courses, which are:

 Determination

 Discipline

 Consistency

 Development

 Responsibility

(Certificate: http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B2iKbUzGSBsqY2FlZTliYzItNDQ0MS00N2Y0LWEwNzktN2U1OTI4MGE5Nzhh&hl=en)